CRDHnm1 CRDHscratch CRDHselections NM1SCRP on opencard doinit end opencard on closecard doreset end closecard itemcount 3card *GRPO 5INFO ^CARD botbutsdata ++BiO zINFO check2data ++BiO yINFO check1data ++BiO {INFO check3data ('++BiO xINFO XL3data ***+*>= =**++>+* =*******++ +*(4((())*+> >*(('('4())*+ =))''''''4())*+ >**4''2''4'((4**,, +*((''''''4(4)**+, ***#//'1 '+++,,- ,--,------------- --------- ------ ('4''++BiO wINFO L3data =*+>>>== 4*++*)*+ +**((4)4)+> >)(('4'4(4)+ >))('4''(4)4*, ))(4'''''(4)**, *+('''%%4'4(44*, **4(''2'''4())*+, >*)4(4''''4'4)*4+,, *))4''''4'4))**4+, >**4)4%%'(4))4**+,,, ---,---,---------- ---------- ------- >))(('''++BiO vINFO M3data >**(>>= =*)(((''* =**('((()*+ >*(((('(4()+ >))(('''4'4)*> >)*(4'''4'(()4*, *>))('%%''4(4)*++, )+*4('%'4''((4*4,, =)+))%%%2'4'''(*++,, *+*)4 !''(4%!#4*+,- ---,-,-,,-------- ------ ((''4'++BiO uINFO S3data >*>*>= ****())*>== 4*))())))+, *>(('('4(4)+, )*(((''4'4))*,, )*('''''((4)*+, )*(4''%''4(4)*+,, **4'''2'''4)4*4,,- )**(4''''4'(4)**+,, *+)4(''4'''4))4++,-- ++))4)40 0%**++,-- =++*4))1 1)+4,+,- =,+**4*0 1,2/ 4++,,,-- ,,++4++,40 1+,,,,--- =,,,,,, /+,,,-,-- =,-,,,,+1 ',,,-,--- t++BiO tINFO P3data '*)+,+>> ')(***++,, '*()4(4))*,, (()'4'((44)+,, )(((''4((4)*+,, (((4'''''4(4)+,,- 4(4''2''4'4)*4,,, 4'4''''2(''4))*+,-, --,-,,,-,,,-,-,------ ------,---------- ----- ++BiO sINFO XL2data ***+*>= =**++>+* =*******++ +*(4((())*+> >*(('('4())*+ =))''''''4())*+ >**4''2''4'((4**,, +*((''''''4(4)**+, ***#//'1 '+++,,- ,--,------------- --------- ------ ++BiO rINFO L2data =*+>>>== 4*++*)*+ +**((4)4)+> >)(('4'4(4)+ >))('4''(4)4*, ))(4'''''(4)**, *+('''%%4'4(44*, **4(''2'''4())*+, >*)4(4''''4'4)*4+,, *))4''''4'4))**4+, >**4)4%%'(4))4**+,,, ---,---,---------- ---------- ------- ++BiO qINFO M2data >**(>>= =*)(((''* =**('((()*+ >*(((('(4()+ >))(('''4'4)*> >)*(4'''4'(()4*, *>))('%%''4(4)*++, )+*4('%'4''((4*4,, =)+))%%%2'4'''(*++,, *+*)4 !''(4%!#4*+,- ---,-,-,,-------- ------ ++BiO pINFO S2data >*>*>= ****())*>== 4*))())))+, *>(('('4(4)+, )*(((''4'4))*,, )*('''''((4)*+, )*(4''%''4(4)*+,, **4'''2'''4)4*4,,- )**(4''''4'(4)**+,, *+)4(''4'''4))4++,-- ++))4)40 0%**++,-- =++*4))1 1)+4,+,- =,+**4*0 1,2/ 4++,,,-- ,,++4++,40 1+,,,,--- =,,,,,, /+,,,-,-- =,-,,,,+1 ',,,-,--- 3++BiO oINFO P2data '*)+,+>> ')(***++,, '*()4(4))*,, (()'4'((44)+,, )(((''4((4)*+,, (((4'''''4(4)+,,- 4(4''2''4'4)*4,,, 4'4''''2(''4))*+,-, --,-,,,-,,,-,-,------ ------,---------- ----- ++BiO nINFO XL1data ***+*>= =**++>+* =*******++ +*(4((())*+> >*(('('4())*+ =))''''''4())*+ >**4''2''4'((4**,, +*((''''''4(4)**+, ***#//'1 '+++,,- ,--,------------- --------- ------ ++BiO mINFO L1data =*+>>>== 4*++*)*+ +**((4)4)+> >)(('4'4(4)+ >))('4''(4)4*, ))(4'''''(4)**, *+('''%%4'4(44*, **4(''2'''4())*+, >*)4(4''''4'4)*4+,, *))4''''4'4))**4+, >**4)4%%'(4))4**+,,, ---,---,---------- ---------- ------- ++BiO lINFO M1data >**(>>= =*)(((''* =**('((()*+ >*(((('(4()+ >))(('''4'4)*> >)*(4'''4'(()4*, *>))('%%''4(4)*++, )+*4('%'4''((4*4,, =)+))%%%2'4'''(*++,, *+*)4 !''(4%!#4*+,- ---,-,-,,-------- ------ ++BiO kINFO S1data >*>*>= ****())*>== 4*))())))+, *>(('('4(4)+, )*(((''4'4))*,, )*('''''((4)*+, )*(4''%''4(4)*+,, **4'''2'''4)4*4,,- )**(4''''4'(4)**+,, *+)4(''4'''4))4++,-- ++))4)40 0%**++,-- =++*4))1 1)+4,+,- =,+**4*0 1,2/ 4++,,,-- ,,++4++,40 1+,,,,--- =,,,,,, /+,,,-,-- =,-,,,,+1 ',,,-,--- P1B++BiO jINFO P1data '*)+,+>> ')(***++,, '*()4(4))*,, (()'4'((44)+,, )(((''4((4)*+,, (((4'''''4(4)+,,- 4(4''2''4'4)*4,,, 4'4''''2(''4))*+,-, --,-,,,-,,,-,-,------ ------,---------- ----- tsBMAP ++BiO /INFO botbutsdata 0<&8. ;<779, 36>=(- .TAIL ++BiO but1data VVVzVV VVVUVU+ +O1VVyVU VVUzV n moused++BUT touch1SCRP on mousedown send "dotouch 1" to me end mousedown itemnum 16 itemprice 350TAIL d++BUT touch2SCRP on mousedown send "dotouch 2" to me end mousedown itemnum 17 itemprice 95TAIL used++BUT +INFO touch3SCRP on mousedown send "dotouch 3" to me end mousedown itemnum 18 itemprice 155TAIL mo++BUT DesignersSCRP on mousedown godesigners end mousedown ++BiO 1INFO high1data 70%07 (% 0 (*,( !!!,,+++ 77777 0%& 77/ 7777 7777 7777 7777 7 *-0 7/),0 7#,-0 007 0''%%%$ 70--- !!!((((((('''&&''& 0,--,&#/ /)-, --* 7 (-,(/ 0,?-0 -.+,,/ /+--?,??,?-??-?-?-?-????? 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K9;+- *=>6 99994 /gbbq ttnkj '6?=&" 9999999 %\Pcf 9994// 77:58 =8886) ]7782 4>;, |y|yp kFFFPX |||pp pypyt ::::5 7=:; /++/+ ::::: 88888/// :;:4- -,9(, y||||y|||y| +FrxR: ;=?; 7:;; +&RrAC. !4rvGR o]X'29. $;:::: |ypf cbj||yvv| ||p|| ||||||| |v|||v tsrwAK.movpgg into gFSHorditems put empty into gFSHcarditems put empty into gFSHindexitems put 0 into gFSHsubtotal end openstack on doglobalreset lock screen put the short id of this card into cardid go cd ET1 send doreset to cd "ET1" movie id 1SCRP on stopmovie global gPathAudio, gPathVideo if the currentmov of bg mov 1 is "intro" then release bg mov 1 gonavigator else set the moviefile of bg mov 1 to gPathVideo&"" set the currentmov of bg mov 1 to "intro" go cd "designers" set the keyenabled of bg mov 1 to true prepare bg mov 1 set the soundFile of bg snd 1 to gPathAudio&"1B.aif" play bg snd 1 play bg mov 1 end if end stopmovie curmode release currentmov AKEXTI 'NAME userhintSCRP on ringalarm global gFSHuserhint global gNAVepcotpath global gFSHenablecard if gFSHenablecard then put quote & gNAVepcotpath & ":fashion:sounds:userhint" & gFSHuserhint & quote into hintname do "play file" && hintname && "nowait" --if gFSHuserhint > 2 then --and gFSHuserhint < 6 --ring bg alarm timedone at 2000 --end if end if end ringalarm Gigi:POMOCD:Presenting OMO :exhibits:Audio:3A.aif dio:3A.aif sound id 7EXTI 1400, playhint userhintSCRP on playhint global gNAVepcotpath set the playVolume of background sound 1 to 100 --set the soundFile of background sound 1 to gNAVepcotpath & ":fashion:sounds:userhint3" set the soundFile of background sound 1 to gNAVepcotpath & "userhint3" play background sound 1 end playhint selectionsSCRP on docalc global gFSHsubtotal, gFSHorditems, gFSHnumordered, gFSHsizeitems global gFSHuserhint, gFSHcardtype global gPathAudio lock screen put "selections" into gFSHcardtype put 6 into gFSHuserhint put empty into cd lst "selected items" repeat with i = 1 to gFSHnumordered put line (item i of gFSHorditems) of cd fld "outfits" into row i of cd lst "selected items" put item i of gFSHsizeitems into cell i, 5 of cd lst "selected items" end repeat repeat with i = 1 to gFSHnumordered do "show cd bmp but" & i if i = 7 then exit repeat end repeat if gFSHnumordered > 7 then show cd bmp downarrow show cd btn downclick end if hide cd fld "wait" -- Put the comma in the right place in the subtotal. if gFSHsubtotal > 999 then if gFSHsubtotal > 9999 then put "$" & char 1 to 2 of gFSHsubtotal & "," & char 3 to 5 of gFSHsubtotal & "." into cd fld "total" else put "$" & char 1 of gFSHsubtotal & "," & char 2 to 4 of gFSHsubtotal & "." into cd fld "total" end if else put "$ " & gFSHsubtotal & "." into cd fld "total" end if if cd fld "total" is not 0 then hide cd bmp purchase else show cd fld noitems end if unlock screen set the Messages of background timer "userhint" to "1000,playhint" start background timer "userhint" end docalc on closecard global gFSHsubtotal stop bg timer userhint show cd bmp "purchase" repeat with i = 1 to 7 do "hide cd bmp but" & i end repeat hide cd bmp downarrow hide cd btn downclick hide cd bmp uparrow hide cd btn upclick hide cd fld noitems hide cd bmp deshigh end closecard -- Utilities for development on showhigh repeat with i = 1 to 7 do "show cd bmp high" & i end repeat show cd bmp highup show cd bmp highdown end showhigh on showbuts repeat with i = 1 to 7 do "show cd bmp but" & i end repeat show cd bmp uparrow show cd bmp downarrow end showbuts on hidebuts repeat with i = 1 to 7 do "hide cd bmp but" & i end repeat hide cd bmp uparrow hide cd bmp downarrow end hidebuts on hidehigh repeat with i = 1 to 7 do "hide cd bmp high" & i end repeat hide cd bmp highup hide cd bmp highdown end hidehigh on hidepurch hide cd bmp purchase hide cd fld purchase hide cd fld wait end hidepurch on showpurch show cd bmp purchase end showpurch movtime 0card +GRPO 0INFO zCARD allbutsdata sdata /INFO highsdata .TAIL sdata "INFO YCARD group id 34data %INFO sohighdata 77 77/0 0( 0" 77//77 77 77 $('07 (&"# $ "70,*7 !!!%%&%&%'&%%&%%&%&%&&&&&&&&'&'''& 0 *--,''00#--+()'1700*-?)00.-+**++*+++++++,,+,+,+,,,,,,??? .TAIL $INFO purchhighdata %&%? %%%- 7 %// 7 %// %&%, 77777/ 7777 7777 *,17/ 7/+,0 7 +-0 0'&(, /70(+$ %&%, %%07 ?- ,0/-, ?-'/0+?, (,(), .TAIL #INFO deshighdata 70%07 (% 0 (*,( !!!,,+++ 77777 0%& 77/ 7777 7777 7777 7777 7 *-0 7/),0 7#,-0 007 0''%%%$ 70--- !!!((((((('''&&''& 0,--,&#/ /)-, --* 7 (-,(/ 0,?-0 -.+,,/ /+--?,??,?-??-?-?-?-????? %(?---- ,((+ &,(), .TAIL but1data <<88<<<;8877878777 7888888778 77777 <<<<<8 <<<<<<;< <<8<< =========== <<<<<< <<;<8 !&>&) 8<<8888 shape id 3TAIL INF+TXT totaldata $ 350.TAIL field id 6data TotalTAIL button id 10SCRP on mousedown global gFSHenablecard put true into gFSHenablecard if gFShenablecard then put false into gFSHenablecard show cd bmp sohigh lock screen hide cd bmp sohigh resetstack gonavigator end if end mousedown hide cd bmp+BUT button id 11SCRP on mousedown global gPathAudio, gFShenablecard put true into gFShenablecard if gFShenablecard then show cd bmp purchhigh put false into gFSHenablecard stop bg sound 1 --play stop stop bg timer "userhint" put false into gFSHenablecard lock screen show cd bmp purchase show cd fld "purchase" unlock screen set the soundfile of background sound 1 to gPathAudio&"6A.aif" play background sound 1 lock screen hide cd bmp purchhigh wait 300 hide cd fld purchase resetstack gonavigator end if end mousedown nd 1 to gNAVepc+BUT button id 12SCRP on mousedown global gFSHenablecard if gFSHenablecard then show cd bmp "deshigh" godesigners end if end mousedown e+BiO but2data ;<8<;77 888888888887777777 7778878 888;<;<< 888788777788 7777888888 878878 87777788788 77;<;<<7; 877777 877777878888 7;<;;<<; 8787778787 88877 <<<88;= 77777 77778 >>>>>> ..<<.9> <<<<<< 7777777 but4data 77888 <7<<8<<<<<<<; <<<<< 8;<<8 87;;;;88 <<<<8<<<<< ;;<;8 <8<<<<<<;;;8< ;<;;88; 8;;;;88 <<<<<<<<< ;<;<7;;;877 <<<<<< <;<;;< **-".) ..9995 ========== &***) %"") <<777 <+BiO but5data <777777787 %%%"% ""-%" .%-)) %"%%%"" )))))) )&)%% <<<<<< 0<1<< <<<1< <<<<<<<< ;<<;<<<< ;<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< ====== <<<<<<< <<<8< ..%%.% #%.%. <<<<<<< <<<<<< .%...- -.%%% <;<<<< but6data <<<<88<88< <<<<<<< 7788878 888<<< <<<<8<<8< ;;;<; <<<88<<<8<<8< <878888 <877788778788;< 8;<<<8 877877888 <<<<<<<< 878878 <<;<<<<< <<<;< <;<<; <<<<<; <<<<; <<<<8 <<<<<<< <<<<; <<<<< <<<<; but7data <<<<<< <<<<<<<<8778888<< <<<<<< <<<<;<<< <<<<< 8777788 <<<<<8 <<8<<<<< 87788 <<<<<< --)*- <<<<< 8888< <<<<8 <;<;;;<<8;<<<<<<8< <<<878 *..%(%) .%.%) <;8888 <<<<<<< >>>>9 <<<<< 1<<<<< <<<<<<<< <<8<<<8< <<<<< <<<8<<<< <<0<<<8<< <<<<<<<8<<<<<<< <8<<; <+BiO but3data <<;<< <<<<<;888887 %%%%%% ;88778888/8<<< 8878<888 88<<<<< <<<<<< <<<<<8 ;;;7; ;;;;; ===== 78;;;;; uparrowSCRP 887778 88777 8888788 8878; 887788888 888878< 8;877777 --)-* 8888888 ;77777 <<878 777777 <<<<<88 <<<8<<<<< 88877777 ===== 8777778 <<<<<<< ===== 777777 <<88<< ===== <<<<< <<8<<0< 0<8888/8 <<<<<< 8<8<8<< <8<~d b$$$$S #%+%+ P+$$$+ #"_%" $+$*%$$*$%%$$$$$$$$ $$$$% $$*%% %"Q$+ 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then hide me end if end mouseup <<<<<8<< <<8<<; <<;<8;< <<8<<; 1<<<< ?--??<<<<<<< < 7&)** (+-&7 --(&&&)& ))))&& )&)+- )7777 .%%%% %%%%%% 77&-- $7777777 7777777 &)&&)) 777777 )77777 77777 77&+- )++&+ ))))& 77777 777777 )&)+) 77777 )&)+* 77777 :777777 77777 *+)&- 87777 %...% 77)(( --)+*%% -"..% )-" ""(%% 77777 777++)+7 777777 &&&&(&%% 7777788 777778 .".)) %%%%%"%"& 77777) 777777 77777+ 77777 *&8777 % ))) ".%..% .)")%% 77777 877777 77777 77&98 .%.%% 77777 8&)77 7777777 .%.%% 77777 ..%") 77777 77777 ..%%.%) 7777777 .%.%% )))))& 7777777 &&877 77777777 %%%".) 77777 7777777 ))"") 7777& +)++& 7777777 )&(+& )+)&) %"%%%% "%"%%" )+++&)+ 777777)* &)))) +++)+ ##-*++ %%%%""..** 777777 7778777 &7777 &)+&& )7777 ""))"). 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Since video was an integral part of the original application, -- especially for navigation, it is impossible to include the application as it was at Epcot. -- Everything has been removed here except one catalog card, -- and the final selections card. The buttons that would have navigated to a video -- are disabled, and the scripts for that part have been removed. on doinit -- Set current state of catalog cards on opencard global gFSHusersize, gFSHorditems, gFSHsizeitems, gFSHcarditems, gFSHindexitems, gFSHnumordered, gFSHsubtotal global gFSHdonesound3, gFSHcomefromselections,gFSHcardtype,gFSHuserhint,gFSHenablecard,gPathAudio stop bg timer "userhint" put "catalog" into gFSHcardtype put the short id of this card into cdid repeat with i = 1 to gFSHnumordered if item i of gFSHcarditems is cdid then do "show cd bmp check" & (item i of gFSHindexitems) do "hide cd bmp cover" & (item i of gFSHindexitems) do "put the members of cd grp out" & (item i of gFSHindexitems) && "into grpmem" repeat with j = 1 to the number of lines of grpmem hide line j of grpmem end repeat do "show cd bmp" && (item i of gFSHsizeitems) & (item i of gFSHindexitems) do "set the gsize of cd grp out" & (item i of gFSHindexitems) && "to" && (item i of gFSHsizeitems) end if end repeat if gFSHsubtotal is 0 then show cd bmp selectgray else hide cd bmp selectgray end if unlock screen -- Play the correct sound if gFSHdonesound3 is false then set the soundFile of background sound 1 to gPathAudio&"3A.aif" set the buffersize of background sound 1 to 180 set the playVolume of background sound 1 to 100 play background sound 1 put true into gFSHdonesound3 else if gFSHcomefromselections is true then set the soundFile of background sound 1 to gPathAudio&"3C.aif" set the buffersize of background sound 1 to 180 set the playVolume of background sound 1 to 100 play background sound 1 put false into gFSHcomefromselections else set the soundFile of background sound 1 to gPathAudio&"3B.aif" set the buffersize of background sound 1 to 180 set the playVolume of background sound 1 to 100 play background sound 1 end if end if put 3 into gFSHuserhint set the Messages of bg timer "userhint" to "1400,playhint" start bg timer "userhint" end doinit on doreset -- Reset catalog cards on closecard global gFSHsubtotal global gFSHenablecard stop bg timer "userhint" repeat with i = 1 to the itemcount of this card do "hide cd bmp check" & i do "show cd bmp cover" & i end repeat hide cd bmp selectgray hide cd bmp high1 hide cd bmp high2 hide cd bmp high3 hide cd bmp high4 end doreset on openstack global gCursorNormal -- Set path for sound files set the fullscreen to true set cursor to gCursorNormal hide toolbar hide menubar -- put line 3 of stacks into gNAVepcotpath -- if the last char of gNAVepcotpath is ":" then -- put empty into the last char of gNAVepcotpath -- end if setPaths resetstack end openstack on resetstack -- User has just entered stack, no items ordered global gFSHusersize, gFSHsizeitems, gFSHnumordered, gFSHorditems, gFSHcarditems, gFSHindexitems, gFSHsubtotal global gFSHdonesound1, gFSHdonesound2, gFSHdonesound3, gFSHdonesound4, gFSHdonesound5 global gPathAudio, gFSHcomefromselections, gFSHenablecard stop bg timer "userhint" put true into gFSHenablecard put M into gFSHusersize put empty into gFSHsizeitems put 0 into gFSHnumordered put empty into gFSHorditems put empty into gFSHcarditems put empty into gFSHindexitems put false into gFSHdonesound1 put false into gFSHdonesound2 put false into gFSHdonesound3 put false into gFSHdonesound4 put false into gFSHdonesound5 put false into gFSHcomefromselections put 0 into gFSHsubtotal end resetstack on cl stop bg timer "userhint" end cl on dotouch touchnum -- User touches on an item to order/unorder global gFSHusersize, gFSHorditems, gFSHsizeitems, gFSHcarditems, gFSHindexitems, gFSHnumordered, gFSHsubtotal global gFSHdonesound4 global gFSHuserhint global gFSHenablecard global gPathAudio if gFSHenablecard then -- Buffering for double-clicks/touches stop bg sound 1 stop bg timer "userhint" put 3 into gFSHuserhint set the Messages of bg timer "userhint" to "800,playhint" start bg timer "userhint" do "put the visible of cd bmp check" & touchnum && "into ordered" if not ordered then -- the item is not already ordered do "show cd bmp check" & touchnum lock screen -- set the size do "put the gsize of cd grp out" & touchnum && "into oldsize" do "hide cd bmp" && oldsize & touchnum do "show cd bmp" && gFSHusersize & touchnum -- show results do "hide cd bmp cover" & touchnum -- set the price add (the itemprice of the target) to gFSHsubtotal hide cd bmp "selectgray" unlock screen -- play the right sound if not gFSHdonesound4 then set the soundFile of background sound 1 to gPathAudio&"4A.aif" set the buffersize of background sound 1 to 180 set the playVolume of background sound 1 to 100 play background sound 1 put true into gFSHdonesound4 else set the soundFile of background sound 1 to gPathAudio&"4B.aif" set the buffersize of background sound 1 to 180 set the playVolume of background sound 1 to 100 play background sound 1 end if lock screen -- order the item add 1 to gFSHnumordered do "set the gsize of cd grp out" & touchnum && "to gFSHusersize" do "put the gsize of cd grp out" & touchnum && "into item gFSHnumordered of gFSHsizeitems" put the itemnum of the target into item gFSHnumordered of gFSHorditems put the short id of this card into item gFSHnumordered of gFSHcarditems put touchnum into item gFSHnumordered of gFSHindexitems unlock screen --with visual effect dissolve smooth else -- the item is ordered, so remove it from the list do "set the visible of cd bmp check" & touchnum && "to false" lock screen -- hide the size do "put the gsize of cd grp out" & touchnum && "into oldsize" do "set the visible of cd bmp" && oldsize & touchnum && "to false" do "show cd bmp cover" & touchnum -- unset the price subtract (the itemprice of the target) from gFSHsubtotal if gFSHsubtotal is 0 then show cd bmp selectgray end if unlock screen lock screen -- unorder the item put the itemnum of the target into curitem remove1item curitem unlock screen --with visual effect dissolve smooth set the soundFile of background sound 1 to gPathAudio&"4C.aif" set the buffersize of background sound 1 to 180 set the playVolume of background sound 1 to 100 play background sound 1 end if end if end dotouch on remove1item itemnum -- Remove an item from the global order list. -- (Workaround for the fact that "delete item i" wasn't working in the runtime version) global gFSHnumordered,gFSHorditems,gFSHsizeitems,gFSHcarditems,gFSHindexitems repeat with i = 1 to gFSHnumordered if item i of gFSHorditems is itemnum then if i = 1 then put item 2 to gFSHnumordered of gFSHorditems into gFSHorditems put item 2 to gFSHnumordered of gFSHsizeitems into gFSHsizeitems put item 2 to gFSHnumordered of gFSHcarditems into gFSHcarditems put item 2 to gFSHnumordered of gFSHindexitems into gFSHindexitems else if i = gFSHnumordered then put item 1 to i - 1 of gFSHorditems into gFSHorditems put item 1 to i - 1 of gFSHsizeitems into gFSHsizeitems put item 1 to i - 1 of gFSHcarditems into gFSHcarditems put item 1 to i - 1 of gFSHindexitems into gFSHindexitems else put (item 1 to i -1 of gFSHorditems) & "," & (item i + 1 to gFSHnumordered of gFSHorditems) into gFSHorditems put (item 1 to i -1 of gFSHsizeitems) & "," & (item i + 1 to gFSHnumordered of gFSHsizeitems) into gFSHsizeitems put (item 1 to i -1 of gFSHcarditems) & "," & (item i + 1 to gFSHnumordered of gFSHcarditems) into gFSHcarditems put (item 1 to i -1 of gFSHindexitems) & "," & (item i + 1 to gFSHnumordered of gFSHindexitems) into gFSHindexitems end if exit repeat end if end repeat subtract 1 from gFSHnumordered end remove1item on dogroup groupnum -- User touches on a size button. Group recieves the click and decides -- which size to show based on the mouse location. global gFSHusersize, gFSHorditems, gFSHnumordered, gFSHsizeitems global gFSHuserhint global gFSHenablecard put the mouseloc into mpt if gFSHenablecard then stop bg timer "userhint" put 3 into gFSHuserhint set the Messages of bg timer "userhint" to "800,playhint" start bg timer "userhint" do "put the members of cd grp out" & groupnum && "into grpmem" lock screen put false into donehit repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of grpmem if mpt is within the rect of (line i of grpmem) then show (line i of grpmem) put char 1 of (the short name of (line i of grpmem)) into newsize if newsize is "X" then put "XL" into newsize do "set the gsize of cd grp out" & groupnum && "to newsize" put newsize into gFSHusersize put true into donehit else hide line i of grpmem end if end repeat if not donehit then -- User clicked on the group, but not within the rect of a size bitmap. do "put the gsize of cd grp out" & groupnum && "into mysize" do "show cd bmp" && mysize & groupnum else -- reset the size of the item in the global order list do "put the itemnum of cd grp out" & groupnum && "into curitem" repeat with i = 1 to gFSHnumordered if curitem is (item i of gFSHorditems) then do "put the gsize of cd grp out" & groupnum && "into item i of gFSHsizeitems" exit repeat end if end repeat end if unlock screen end if end dogroup on dostartover global gFSHcardtype, gFSHenablecard if gFShenablecard then show cd bmp high4 play stop stop bg sound 1 lock screen resetstack gonavigator hide cd bmp high4 end if end dostartover on goselections -- Go to the last card (list of all items ordered) global gFSHcardtype global gFSHdonesound5 global gFSHuserhint global gFSHenablecard global gPathAudio if gFSHenablecard then if not the visible of cd bmp selectgray then show cd bmp high2 put false into gFSHenablecard stop bg timer "userhint" play stop stop bg sound 1 lock screen go cd "selections" show cd bmp "purchase" show cd fld "wait" unlock screen docalc -- Create list of items to display. (In script of card "selections") if not gFSHdonesound5 then set the soundFile of bg snd 1 to gPathAudio&"5a.aif" set the buffersize of background sound 1 to 180 set the playVolume of background sound 1 to 100 play background sound 1 put true into gFSHdonesound5 else -- FIX THIS TO VARIABLE set the soundFile of background sound 1 to gPathAudio&"5B.aif" set the buffersize of background sound 1 to 180 set the playVolume of background sound 1 to 100 play background sound 1 end if end if end if end goselections on closestack global gPathAudio play stop stop bg sound 1 -- Must clear all alarms when we leave the stack! stop bg timer "userhint" put empty into gPathAudio end closestack on LogEntry myEntry -- Unused logging function exit logentry global gPathAudio put gPathAudio &":fashion:FSHapp.log" into logfile -- Log runtime behavior open file logfile read from file logfile until "@" write the date && the time && myEntry && Return to file logfile close file logfile end LogEntry on gonavigator -- Used to return to navigator stack. Changed for demo purposes. global gPathAudio go cd "NM1" --go cd "OTV" unlock screen realize cd palette "NM1" end gonavigator function curDir put the long name of this stack into sN delete word 1 of sN delete char 1 of sN put 1 into off put length(sN)-1 into sL if the platform = "Macintosh" then put ":" into pathSep else put "\" into pathSep repeat forever get offset(pathSep, char off to sL of sN) if it 0 then add it to off else exit repeat end repeat return char 1 to off-1 of sN end curDir on setPaths global gWindows put the platform = "Windows" into gWindows global gPath, gPathAudio, gPathVideo put curDir() into gPath put gPath&"Audio" into gPathAudio put gPath&"Video" into gPathVideo if gWindows then put "\" after gPathAudio put "\" after gPathVideo else put ":" after gPathAudio put ":" after gPathVideo end if end setPaths PFONT AG BOOK STENCIL APPLE CHANCERY ARIAL ARIAL NARROW ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD ATHENS AVANT GARDE B BAUERBODONI BOLD B COURIER BOLD B FRANKLIN GOTHIC DEMI B FRUTIGER BOLD B FUTURA BOLD B HELVETICA BOLD B ITCKABEL BOLD B ORCGARAM BOLD B TIMES BOLD BAUERBODONI BAUERBODONI BLACK BAUERBODONI BLACKCOND BAUERBODONI BLACKITALIC BAUERBODONI BOLDCOND BAUHAUS 93S BERLINER GROTESK LIGHT BERNHMOD AP BI BAUERBODONI BOLDITALIC BI COURIER BOLDOBLIQUE BI FRANKLIN GOTHIC DEMIOBLIQUE BI FRUTIGER BOLDITALIC BI HELVETICA BOLDOBLIQUE| BI TIMES BOLDITALIC BIFFO MT BIRCH BK ITALIA BOOK< BK ITCKABEL BOOK BO FUTURA BOLDOBLIQUE BODONI BD BT BODONI BDIT BT BODONI BT BODONI IT BT BOOK ANTIQUA BOOKMAN BOOKMAN OLD STYLE BOOKMAN OLD STYLE BOLD BRAGGADOCIO BRITANNIC BOLD BRUSH SCRIPT BRUSH SCRIPT MT C FUTURA CONDENSED C HELVETICA CONDENSED C UNIVERS 57 CONDENSED CAIRO CARTA CASLON540 BT CASLON540 IT BT CB FUTURA CONDENSEDBOLD CB HELVETICA CONDENSED BOLD CB UNIVERS 67 CONDENSEDBOLD CBI HELVETICA CONDENSED BOLDOBL CBO FUTURA CONDBOLDOBLIQUE CBO UNIVERS 67 CONDBOLDOBL CENTURY GOTHICP CENTURY SCHOOLBOOKP CHICAGO CI HELVETICA CONDENSED OBLIQUEP CL FUTURA CONDENSEDLIGHT CL HELVETICA CONDENSED LIGHT CL UNIVERS 47 CONDENSEDLIGHT CLB HELVETICA CONDENSED BLACK CLBI HELVETICA CONDENSED BLACKO CLI HELVETICA CONDENSED LIGHTOB CLO FUTURA CONDLIGHTOBLIQUE CLO UNIVERS 47 CONDLIGHTOBL CO FUTURA CONDENSEDOBLIQUE CO UNIVERS 57 CONDOBLIQUE COLONNA MT COMMERCIALPI BT CONCORDE BE ITALIC CONCORDE BE MEDIUM CONCORDE BE MEDIUMITALIC CONCORDE BE REGULAR COURIER COURIER NEW CRITTER CUTOUT CXB FUTURA CONDEXTRABOLD CXBO FUTURA CONDEXTRABOLDOBLIQU D ITCKABEL DEMI DELTA BOOK DELTA BOOKITALIC DESDEMONA EMIGREEIGHT EMIGREFIFTEENc' EMIGREFOURTEEN EMIGRETEN ENGRAVERS LH BOLD FACEP ESPY SANS ESPY SANS BOLD ESPY SERIF ESPY SERIF BOLD EWORLD TIGHT FIXEDSYS FOOTLIGHT MT LIGHT FORMATA OUTLINE FRANKFURTERMEDIUM FRANKLINGOTHIC FUTURA FUTURA BD BT FUTURA BDIT BTP FUTURA BK BT FUTURA BKIT BT FUTURA BOOK FUTURA MD BT FUTURA MDIT BT GENEVA GENEVA GIDDYUP GIDDYUP THANGSP GILL SANS EXTRABOLDDISPLAY GILLSANS GILLSANS BOLD GILLSANS BOLDITALIC GILLSANS ITALIC GOUDY TEXT MT H FRANKLIN GOTHIC HEAVY H FUTURA HEAVY HELVETICA HI FRANKLIN GOTHIC HEAVYOBLIQUE HO FUTURA HEAVYOBLIQUE HOEFLER HOEFLER ORNAMENTS I BAUERBODONI ITALIC I COURIER OBLIQUE I FRANKLIN GOTHIC BOOKOBLIQUE I FRUTIGER ITALIC I HELVETICA OBLIQUE I ORCGARAM LIGHTITALIC I TIMES ITALICP IMPACT IMPRESS BT INVISIBLE JAPANESE JUNIPER KINO MT L FRUTIGER LIGHT L FUTURA LIGHTP LI FRUTIGER LIGHTITALIC LO FUTURA LIGHTOBLIQUE LONDON LOS ANGELES LOTYPE MEDIUM LOTYPE MEDIUMITALIC M ITCKABEL MEDIUM MATRIX MATRIXBOLD MATRIXBOOK MATURA MT MATURA MT SCRIPT CAPITALS MINION EXPERT MINION EXPERT BLACK MINION EXPERT BOLDP MINION EXPERT BOLD ITALIC MINION EXPERT DISPLAY> MINION EXPERT DISPLAY ITALIC MINION EXPERT ITALIC MINION EXPERT SEMIBOLD MINION EXPERT SEMIBOLD ITALIC MINION ORNAMENTS MINION SWASH DISPLAY ITALIC MINION SWASH ITALIC MINION SWASH SEMIBOLD ITALIC MISTRAL MOBILE MONA LISA SOLID MONACO{ MONOTYPE CORSIVA MONOTYPE SORTS MS LINEDRAW MS SERIF MT EXTRA}m MYRIAD HEADLINE MYRIAD SKETCH MYRIAD TILT MYTHOS N HELVETICA NARROW NEW CENTURY SCHLBK NEW YORK O FUTURA BOOKOBLIQUE O FUTURA OBLIQUE OCR-A ORCGARAM PALACE SCRIPT MT PALATINO PALEX PLAYBILL POST ANTIQUA BE MEDIUMP POST ANTIQUA BE REGULAR PROFONT QUAKE QUICKTYPE QUICKTYPE CONDENSED QUICKTYPE MONOP QUICKTYPE PI R 2MODFRUTIGER ROMAN R FRUTIGER ROMAN ROCKWELL BOLDCONDENSED ROCKWELL CONDENSED SAN FRANCISCO SCOTCH ROMAN MT SCOTCH ROMAN MT ITALICP SCRIPT MT BD SMALL FONTS SNELL BT STENCIL STUDZ SYMBOLe TEKTON TEKTON BOLD TIMES TIMES NEW ROMAN TOOLBOX TORONTO TRADEGOTHIC TRADEGOTHIC BOLD TRADEGOTHIC BOLDOBLIQUE TRADEGOTHIC BOLDTWO TRADEGOTHIC BOLDTWOOBLIQUE TRADEGOTHIC LIGHT TRADEGOTHIC LIGHTOBLIQUE TRADEGOTHIC OBLIQUE TRADEGOTHIC-BOLDCONDTWENTY TRADEGOTHIC-BOLDCONDTWENTYOBL, U ITCKABEL ULTRA UNIVERS 55 UNIVERS BLACKEXT UNIVERS BLACKEXTOBL UNIVERS BOLDEXT UNIVERS BOLDEXTOBLP UNIVERS EXTENDED UNIVERS EXTENDEDOBL UNIVERS EXTRABLACKEXT UNIVERS EXTRABLACKEXTOBL UTOPIA HEADLINE VECTORA LH BLACK VECTORA LH BLACK ITALIC VECTORA LH BOLD VECTORA LH BOLD ITALICf VECTORA LH ITALIC VECTORA LH LIGHT VECTORA LH LIGHT ITALIC VECTORA LH ROMAN VENICE VIVALDI VOYAGER WIDE LATIN WINGDINGS XB FUTURA EXTRABOLD XBO FUTURA EXTRABOLDOBLIQUE ZAPF CHANCERY ZAPF DINGBATS ZAPFHUMNST BD BT ZAPFHUMNST BDIT BT ZAPFHUMNST BT ZAPFHUMNST IT BT ZAPFHUMNST ULT BT ZAPFHUMNST ULTIT BT ZURICH BDXCN BT ZURICH BLK BT ZURICH BLKIT BTIDMO IIDBK